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Wooden photo frames

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Wooden photo frames There is no classier photo frame than a wooden one for putting up a picture that means a lot to you. Even a few decades ago, people would frame large family and batch photographs in wooden frames which had golden or silver lining. Nowadays, wooden photo frame are not much put up in houses, digital photo frames having replaced them, but they still hold a lot of aesthetic appeal. If you want your apartment or house to look classy and elegant, putting up pictures in wooden photo frames would be an effective way to do so. You can buy wooden photo frame online from a wide variety of sizes and designs. From carved ones to ones which are embossed, everything is available online. Wooden photo frame price is mostly dependent on the size, quality of wood and finishing. For an ornately designed wooden photo frame which would contain a photograph which is 20?X10? big, you may have to spend a couple of thousand rupees. Make sure the website mentions that the frame is protected from termites and other insects. Wooden photo frame online is available at in a number of shapes and you can choose one that suits your interiors the best.