How to give your home a romantic makeover for Valentine's day
LimeRoad Editorial
LimeRoad Editorial
Pink is the new Red This Valentine!
 Pink is the new Red This Valentine!
Give this Valentine a new avatar by ditching the usual red with some soothing and loving colors of Love. And who better than Pink, to sing your love galore, in the most majestic way. Choose the pink palate to set up a cozy, romantic dinner at the porch. Recreate the moments of love in each other company, remembering how far and close you both have reached since your first dinner date.
Love is in the air!
 Love is in the air!
This Valentine – no restaurant, no movies – we vouch not to step out of the door. So how do we celebrate this special day? Well, we are great with organizing and intend to surprise our soul mate by setting up a lovely private brunch at home. How about the verandah or terrace to make this happen? Sounds fun, isn’t it. Enjoy those private moments, but hey, don’t forget those tidbits and some rose wine.
Wooing in Style!
 Wooing in Style!
Show your man a glimpse of the true magician that you are. Transform the theme and mood of your home in the true spirit of Valentine. Dust some rosy petals, pour in some glasses of sparkling champagne, dim those lights and let the aroma of the candles do the talking. Set the mood and see him melt in your arms.
Love Stories By The Candle!
 Love Stories By The Candle!
Dim the light and watch your favorite movie by the candle light. Place these magical white pearls all around the hallway and sofa area giving the atmosphere a graceful and rejuvenating makeover. If that’s not your cup of tea, then snuggle in each other’s arms and read a love story together. And don’t forget to compare it with your moments of love.
Culinary Delights In Bed!
 Culinary Delights In Bed!
Start V-Day on a rocking note! Mix some exotic spices and oodles of love to create a sumptuous breakfast for your Prince Charming. Greet him with your loving smile and warm embrace as you lovingly wake them up from a deep slumber.
लाइमरोड इन भाषाओं में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है : English