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Buy Pencil Heel Pumps For Women in India @ Limeroad

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Pencil Heel Pumps


Pencil heel pumps as the name suggests has a slender, long and thin heel akin to a pencil. The front of the shoe can be of three types:


  • elongated and pointed as that of a stiletto
  • thick and higher to the ground, like a platform shoe
  • wide, or a square shaped toe, like that of a pump shoe.


Apart from these, it can have variations in the textures, colors and size of the heel. The most popular type of pencil heels are the strappy open-toed pencil heels. These have thin, delicate straps in the front accompanied by the regular pencil heel.


Another popular choice is the pointed toe pencil heel, which gives a sharp and polished look to the wearer and helps elongate the legs. A new trendy find is the cone pencil heel, which as the name suggests has a cone-like structure- slightly wider at the top and taper as they go down.


In Trend


Pencil heel pumps have always been a popular choice in the market. They lend an air of delicate femininity and sophistication to the wearer. A latest in the shoe industry are boots with high pencil heels, and ankle booties with pencil heels. However, with the new wave of Athleisure, we increasingly see pencil heels being paired up with track pants and bicycle shorts. Celebrities like Kim K, Selena Gomez, Kendall Jenner can be regularly spotted wearing sky scraping pencil heels with loose track pants and shorts as a part of Athleisure.


How To Style Them


Due to the delicate and feminine nature of pencil heels, pairing it with outfits in everyday life can get a little difficult. However, we at Limeroad make sure that you not only find your favorite pair of pencil heels but also learn to style it properly with the help of our style guides and lookbooks available on the site.


If you want to go for that classic and sophisticated look you can always pair nude pencil heels with a midi dress of any color. A nude or black pair of pencil heels will look amazing if you want your outfit to be the main focal point. However, if you want to look a little fancier, you should go all the way out and choose a pair of sparkly silver embellished pencil heels. If you want to try something different and chic, you should definitely opt for a mustard colored cone pencil heels with dark, cropped and tailored pants and a silk blouse. For all those ladies who want all the attention on their shoes, this bold blue caged pencil heel shoe is the THE one for you!


With over hundreds of brands and a multitude of beautiful designs, Limeroad's pencil heels collection is something to behold! Moreover with our heel collection divided for every price range, there is something great for everyone.