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Pillows are the loveliest and most important part of our lives. Of course who amongst us doesn't love to sleep? We get up everyday just work hard enough so we can sleep good at night. The second most important thing about sleep is the pillow we choose to spend our night with.


First being sleep of course. Since we are discussing pillows we really just wanna take a moment to appreciate the comfort of a pillow. Pillow not only provide us with comfortable and peaceful sleep but they also add on to the interior of our bedroom. You could have an expensive but if you're not using the right pillow you'll ruin your whole sleep experience. And we don't think you wanna do that.


None of us likes our food to get messed up or our sleep. Food and sleep being the most important and happy parts of our live we spend almost 60% of our lives doing either of those things. Pillows not only just provide us with a comfort sleep but also they comfort us from a lot of other things that we're gonna discuss below.


Types Of Pillows


Getting a good night’s sleep depends on a lot of factors, but choosing the right pillow is one of the most important ones . Although the good news is there are plenty of different pillow types and designs to choose from. The following list will help you understand some of the many possibilities when you start shopping for your right pillow.


  • Feather pillows
    Do you love the fluffy feather stuff like we do? Feathers are the official comfort providers from the softness to fluff and the natural springs you'll find all the comfort you need in a feather pillows. Also, if you wanna have some fun at home you might start a pillow fight and let the feathers fall all over you.


  • Down pillows
    Do you want the softest and the gentlest pillow ever? You're at the right place. Buy a down pillow today and experience comfort like never before. Down pillows are the softest, fluffiest and supplest pillows ever. They are known for the ultimate luxurious experience that they provide. Although Down pillows are fluffy, light and cozy but they lack at providing you full neck support as they should. So they have their own pros and cons but nothing can deny the luxury they provide.


  • Memory foam pillows
    Memory foam pillows are an amazing creation in themselves because they never forget you atleast while you're lying on them they don't . So the amazing memory pillow makes you feel comfortable and peaceful by adjusting to your individual body shape, which allows at least half of your body from head to rest in a natural position.

Memory foam pillow keeps self-adjusting as you move during the night. So you don't have to worry for your comfort anymore your pillow is gonna do that for you. Memory foam pillows come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are designed to bounce back to their original shape at different speeds.


  • Microbead pillows
    Microbead pillows are made of tiny beads called unexpanded polystyrene (EPS). These beads provide hard support. These pillows are great for you travel neck and help you stay comfortable during and after your travel.  So if you travel a lot these are the pillows you're looking for.


  • Buckwheat pipi pillows
    Are you Looking for something all-natural and plant-based? Buckwheat pillows are filled with husks from buckwheat seeds. They offer hard support. Again hard support is great for travel necks so your search ends here. Buy one today.


  • Sleep apnea pillows
    Do you sleep with a CPAP machine? Sleep apnea pillows are especially curated to accommodate the octopus tubes and cords of the CPAP machine. These pillows are made with polyester fiber fill or foam. It’s always recommended that you try out a sleep apnea pillow with your CPAP machine before buying it just to make sure it feels right and the height is adjusted according to your needs.


  • Neck pillows
    Neck pillows are designed with a baffle that supports your spine so your head and neck are positioned correctly for comfortable sleep. These pillows are of a great comfort to survical pain patients and helps them get a painless peaceful sleep all night long.


  • Body pillows
    Do you feel lonely sleeping alone at night?  We've got it covered. Cuddle up to a body pillow. These long pillows (typically 54 inches) can be placed between your legs for hip and lower back support. They’re great comforters and snugglers; no complaints no demands. Also these pillows are great during pregnancy because of the support and comfort that they provide. No more feeling lonely for you shop for a body pillow today.

  • Lumbar pillows
    Do you have lower back pain problem? A lumbar pillow is just what you need. These pillows provide support just above the lumbar area, allowing the lower back to relax and stay comfortable so you don't have to suffer anymore.


  • Wedge pillows
    Wedge pillows are of a triangular shape which you can use to support and comfort different areas of your body. These pillows are made of foam, polyester fiber fill or a combination of both. They’re great for reading in bed or for propping your upper body up to help ease the acid reflux. A wedge pillow can also be elevated up your legs and feet to help you relieve the discomfort of your varicose veins. Wedge pillows are great during pregnancy and can help prop up the belly during the second or third trimesters.


So, all this variety and you're still confused?  Just go to limeroad and shop the pillow that you need and start having comfortable and peaceful nights all over again. Remember when we were kids and all we were worried about was which game to play or which tv show to watch? And now our life is all the game we need.


Well, we understand the importance of peaceful nights and we remember the times were way more peaceful than this and we can't bring back that peace to you but the least we can do is bring back the comfort in your life through the perfect pillow that you need. We've always believed that you need comfort and peace knowing this busy era where none of us really has momentary peace anymore we deliver the comfort you need at your doorstep hassle free and that's how we want you to sleep free minded, hassle free and peaceful as ever.


Uses Of Pillows


As we have already discussed the types of pillows above in the article now we wanna share with you how you can optimise the use of your perfect pillow and redefine comfort for yourself. As a layman all you might know is that a pillow is something you sleep with. But we will tell you how beautiful and important this comfort is in your life.


  • Pillows can relieve your survical pain and help you or somehow comfort you from the pain.


  • Pillows can be helpful with back problems if you find the right pillow it can always bring your back to ease.


  • Pillows are great for cuddling purposes so you never feel lonely again.


  • Pillows are of different types and sizes and adjustable according to your need of the body part you wanna comfort.


  • Pillows are a great comforter for travel necks. So if you travel a lot no need to worry just shop the right pillow and you're good to go.


  • Pillows might help you with a good body posture while sleeping.


  • Pillows are a great interior add on for your bedroom and living room even.


  • Pillows are made up of a lot of different stuff so you just gotta look up at the kind of stuff that's best for you and stay comfortable and peaceful as ever.


  • A good pillow is a great stress reliever it might wear off all your tensions of the day and help you get a good night's sleep.


  • Pillows are available in all sizes so you can even carry your pillow with you while you travel so you don't have to face any kind of discomfort during your journey or the stay.


  • Pillows can help you through your pregnancy and act your best comforter.


  • Pillows are of a great help for a fractured arm or leg. Just adjust the pillow you need and try and feel a little better.


  • Pillows could be a great gift item if you're deciding on a pending gift to someone.


So we have discussed many types and uses of pillows. And now you know how important pillows are.


We believe you're now ready to shop the right pillow for yourself or for someone you love. Happy pillowing and happy shopping. We love you as much as you love your sleep. We understand your needs and here we are as always providing you with the best possible care we can.