Gifting Ideas For Rose Day
A rose is always considered as a symbol of love. In the western culture week, 7th February till 14th February is considered as Valentine week and it has 7 days in it and each day has its own purpose. These days are known by different names like hug day, rose day, promise day, kiss day and many more. The first day of this Valentine week is the Rose Day.
Rose day is a popular and special day in the modern trend. On this day couples and even friends give roses to each other to show their love and affection to the person whom they are giving rose. Nowadays this rose day is celebrated in all the region of the country. This day is mostly popular among the youth generation of the modern time. A boy/girl generally prefers to give a red rose to his/her love in order to express his feeling or endless love for her beloved.
Types Of Roses For Rose Day
There are many types of flowers which grow in this nature. Each type of flower has its own importance and significance in this nature.
Some of these types of flowers and their significance which can be given as a single rose to the beloved person can be described as follows :-
Red Roses
:- A red rose is considered as a symbol of love. It is often given by a person to her beloved to express his love and feelings for her and also at the same time if he wants to convince or thank her for being there in his life. Brunch of these red roses is given to express true love to the person without whom a person cannot live. Thus these red roses symbolises love,affection and care for the other person and is mostly given by the couples to each other or a boyfriend to his girlfriend.
Yellow Roses
:- Yellow roses are the indication of the friendship. They are mostly given by friends to each other or when a boy want to be a friend of a girl and vice versa . These yellow roses are often the indication of peace and cleanliness and are also given when a person wants to say sorry to the other person for any mistake.
Pink Roses
:- Pink roses are often the indication of cheerfulness and are given to the loved ones for their happiness. These roses also symbolizes admiration, gentleness and can be given to indicate sympathy for the other person.
Purple Roses
:- Purple roses are mostly given when a person fall in love with the person at first sight and want to express the feeling for the other person. It primarily stand for the feeling of a great pleasure which a person may be feeling inside it for the other person.
White Roses
:- White rose generally known for its calmness and generally stands for its purity, innocence and humility. If anyone has fight with anybody like his colleague or coworker then a person can send a bunch of white flower to end the cold war between them.
Orange Roses
:- Orange roses are the mixture of pink and yellow colours. Thus it symbolises as a bridge between friendship and likeness. It is often given by a person to another person for making him feel proud for its success and bright future.
Thus these are some different types of the roses which a person generally can give to express their feeling, emotions and also often to indicate some message to the other person.
Importance Of Rose Day
Giving a rose to the other person is the perfect way to express your love, emotions and care for the other person. Sometime a person cannot speak up some things but his action can indicate a lot in front of the other person.It is not necessary that a person only need to gift a red rose to the other person but depending upon the relationship he or she share with the other person he or she can choose anyone of these above type of rose to express their inner feelings. Thus one can say that rose has become one of the important thing to express the inner feeling which one cannot speak up.
Ways To Celebrate This Day
There are many ways by which one can celebrate this special day with her beloved. Some of these ways can be described as follows :-
● The day can start by sending a banquet or bunch of red rose to your beloved ones.
● Secondly, one can even choose to spend some quality time with each.
● Plan a candle light dinner date with your beloved one or if you are giving this rose to anyone in your family then you can even plan to go on a dinner with the respective person.
● If a person is already married then he or she can even decorate their room with these beautiful lovely red roses.
● One can even surprise another person or her/his beloved by giving a surprise hamper of love with a bunch of these flowers at their doorstep that can extremely make a person morning happier and special than the normal morning days.
Thus these are some of the ways by which one can celebrate a rose day with her beloved ones. Love is an immortal feeling which can be just be expressed. It can never be said in words. Grab and order these lovely bunches of roses and other flowers to surprise and gift it to your love ones or someone special in your life.You can just get them by just sitting at your place and placing order for the same. Make your love ones happier by gifting them this small token of love at your end for them.